Employment Opportunities
Join the Dawson team!Applications for all positions must be done directly online. Please follow the prompts in order to complete the process. You will receive an e-mail from Dawson confirming your application has been received. Please note that internal candidates have priority for all postings. ³ÉÈ˺ÚÁÏ respects the principles of equal access to employment in all selection processes. |
Joignez l’équipe Dawson!Les candidatures doivent être soumises en ligne. Veuillez suivre les étapes afin d’acheminer votre demande. Vous recevrez par courriel un accusé de réception du Collège. Le Collège Dawson souscrit à l’accès à l’égalité en emploi pour les personnes visées par la Loi, soit les femmes, les Autochtones, les minorités visibles, les minorités ethniques ainsi que les personnes handicapées. |
Thank you for making ³ÉÈ˺ÚÁÏ your career choice! |
Merci de considérer le collège Dawson dans votre choix de carrière! |
³ÉÈ˺ÚÁÏ promotes effective human resource management which:
- addresses the qualities of employees as manifested by their professional competence, by their comprehension of their role within the College’s Mission, by their commitment to this Mission as well as by the diligence and effectiveness with which they carry out the duties they are assigned.
- gives recognition to the importance of workplace satisfaction of employees.
- acknowledges the respect and consideration that are due all employees by virtue of their qualities as individuals in addition to their contributions to the College’s Mission.

Located in the heart of downtown Montreal in a historic building on 12 acres of green space, ³ÉÈ˺ÚÁÏ is one of the largest colleges in the province of Quebec. With the widest variety of program choices among English language colleges, the College is a reflection of Montreal’s unique character by virtue of the cultural and ethnic diversity of its students, staff and faculty. As a public sector institution, Dawson offers its employees generous working conditions and benefits and an opportunity to contribute to the future of our society.
Our Location:Room 4B.7 |
Our Office Hours:Monday To Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. |